An open invitation to share comments and captions on our gallery photos . . . 


Woodsboro Historical Society Information

Mission Statement

The Woodsboro Historical Society, Inc. is dedicated to promoting a public understanding of the history and antiquities of Woodsboro, Maryland and pursuing the collection and conservation of the record thereof. We intend to acquire, maintain, restore, and preserve monuments, structures, ancient articles of personal property, and any other areas deemed to be of historical significance to the Woodsboro community.

Board Members

  • Joel Rensberger, President
  • Rick Bontz, Vice President
  • Brian Laurich, Treasurer
  • Joan Cartier, Secretary
  • Sue Kreh, At Large


Membership in the Woodsboro Historical Society is open to all. We encourage everyone to join with an interest in the history of Woodsboro or an interest in the community of Woodsboro.

Join & Donate

The annual membership fees are $15 and the society meets once a month to discuss events to further our mission. Whether you are a formal member or not we encourage participation. Do you have an old photo of Woodsboro or a story about the people of Woodsboro? Contributions can be submitted through our Contact Us page.

Woodsboro Historical Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible.
EIN: 52-2153837

Mailing Address

Woodsboro Historical Society, Inc.
PO Box 42
Woodsboro, MD 21798-0042

Woodsboro Historical Society Presents

Send an Authentic Telegram at Woodsboro Days

Send your personalized message across the US via Morse Code STOP
Visit the Train Station Museum on October 19th, 10 AM to 2 PM STOP